Be Your Essence

Healing the Spirit© and Specialist Soul Retrieval©
Hypnotherapy and
Shamanic Life Coaching®

Leanne Harper Lambert
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy®
HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success

Hypnotherapy for the soul - Anubis 1


to my

sacred space

a healing temple

for your soul

and spirit

Hypnotherapy for the soul - Anubis 2

“I invite you to come on this most magical journey of healing,

to deepen your relationship with your own soul, to reunite with your Spirit,

and experience life as never before…”  Leanne Harper Lambert

Experience Healing and Transformation at the Deepest Level, the levels of Soul and Spirit

 Unlike mainstream hypnosis and life coaching which focuses on the body-mind-brain and the placing of suggestions into the subconscious mind of the client while the client is in a trance state, Hypnotique Protocol® and HypnoSuccess Soul Coaching® work at the deepest levels of the human psyche which is at the level of the human soul and spirit.”

Director of the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®

Hypnotherapy for the soul - what is the hypnotique protocol

What is the Hypnotique Protocol®?

Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® helps you to experience transformation at a deep soul level.

It is the world’s first powerful spirit centred and soul focused esoteric hypnotherapy modality that can help you to achieve breakthroughs that have not been possible before.

This powerful form of healing is a cutting edge, sophisticated holistic hypnosis process proven to deliver outstanding and lasting results.

One of the secrets of the power and success of the Hypnotique Protocol® is that it is totally soul and spirit oriented.

In this sense it is hypnotherapy for the body, mind, soul and spirit.

It is true esoteric hypnotherapy that works at a deep soul and spirit level to effect transformational shifts in consciousness that are not able to be achieved by any other means.

It is the world’s first specialist soul retrieval and spirit uniting hypnotherapy protocols.

How does it work?

Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® uses advanced techniques that weaves together forces inherent in the subconscious and unconscious aspects of the mind and the power of the soul and spirit to effect rapid, deep and permanent change and transformation. Transformation that cannot be achieved by any other means.

As a Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® trained hypnotherapist I take you through a particular process in which you enter what is called the Healing State of Consciousness©.

The Healing State of Consciousness© is where you can suspend your current reality. When you experience that, you begin to be open to new possibilities, new realities, new worlds and new ways of being.

In this process the soul enters into the dreamtime, into the powerful, intelligent and co-creative world of soul.

In this safe and sacred realm, your soul and spirit are free to communicate, free to heal and free to dream a new story, a new reality into being.

This is a very powerful process because this is the only space where true deep healing can occur – you are able to create transformation in the your life by re-writing your soul’s stories and re-uniting with your divine Spirit.

This is a very powerful process because this is where true deep healing can occur and you can create transformation in the your life by re-writing your soul’s story.

One of the secrets of the power and success of Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® is that it works at a deep soul and spirit level to effect transformational shifts in consciousness that are unable to be achieved by any other means.

It applies the knowledge of neuroscience, the discoveries of quantum physics and the legendary 12,000 year old healing and shamanic secrets of ancient Egypt to create proven results.


Hypnotherapy for the soul - Leanne Harper Lambert

I was born for this work…

My role as an Esoteric Hypnotherapist and Soul Coach has become the foundation of my life. I am a thousand per cent committed to walking with and guiding Souls on this powerful healing journey.”

ancient egypt bee

 In the physical world Leanne’s life experiences have included academic success that saw her leave school and New Zealand at the age of 17yrs to undertake studies at the prestigious Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Her music career led her from the Sydney Opera House to the Barbican Centre in London, and productive teaching studios in three countries over three decades.  A sporting upbringing and interest in natural wellbeing inspired her to train as a yoga instructor, which included two months living in an Indian ashram. Her desire to help others saw her facilitating exercise and wellness classes in hospice settings as well as becoming a fully registered First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practitioner and tutor.

Realising her full uniqueness has been a motivating urge in her life since childhood.

Helping others to realise their inner gifts is her work with her business ‘Be Your Essence’.

In her inner world, her Soul life and spiritual journey, Leanne’s experiences have been equally as adventurous, rich and rewarding.
Nearly 20 years of esoteric disciplines have prepared and honed her inner being and healing abilities for this role as the Soul Intercessor© – a role she has ancient memory of from previous times.

Her heart centred and soulful approach makes her a steadfast guide to souls who are seeking life-changing healing and transformation, to reclaim their wellbeing and wholeness.

Leanne Harper Lambert

Would you like to know how to get started
on your transformational journey?


“Let’s talk and see how I can help you.”
Book a free 20 minute connection call by emailing me today. Together we’ll discuss the program and session options that are right for you.


Schedule your selected program sessions with me and commit to doing your sacred evolutionary work. Hypnotherapy and coaching sessions are highly effective via Zoom.


Integrate your reclaimed soul, spiritual gifts and master keys into your everyday life. Successfully unlock your potential to live a more soulful and soul present life, reconnected and reunited with your higher self!

Hypnotique Protocol® SHAMANIC SOUL HEALING

Discover your Soul’s team of powerful allies – establish a helpful and empowering relationship your Soul’s own power animal, soul guardian and spiritual teacher guides. Come back to your nature and embrace your Soul’s unique qualities and attributes.

Hypnotique Protocol® SPECIALIST SOUL RETRIEVAL© program

Re-write your past, Reclaim your power, Unburnded your Soul.  This 9-session program works with your Soul to rewrite the stories of your past and reclaim your inner gifts and powers for deep soul healing. Single sessions may be available under certain circumstances, contact me to enquire.

Hypnotique Protocol® HEAL THE SPIRIT© Transformation program

Alleviate the impacts of human suffering on your spirit. Address the root cause of pain, trauma, depression, anxiety and moral injury. This beautiful five-session program works with your Spirit and the healing powers of the cosmos.

HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for Life© Soul Coaching program

Experience sacred shamanic life coaching for your Soul to unlock your Master Keys for life. This five-session program works with the power of mind and soul to align you with your destiny.

HypnoSuccess© Master Keys for Soul Growth© Soul Coaching program

Ideal when you have a situation or project to move through powerfully, this 8-session program works with your Soul to identify the Master Keys it needs to navigate the terrain and emerge empowered and successfully on its evolutionary journey of growth.

HypnoSuccess Soul Coaching® SINGLE SESSIONS

Work with a single Master Key to align with your Soul’s evolutionary work. More programs and single sessions options are available, please enquire.

Bank transfer and Paypal for credit card options are available. With a deposit, am I happy to discuss installment options.

Book your free 20 minute connection call now...

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Your Soul…

is an infinitely powerful, intelligent and co-creative force of nature,

… isn’t it time you unburdened it from the past to let your spirit soar?

The Hypnotique Protocol® Specialist Soul Retrieval© 9-session program

Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® – Specialist Soul Retrieval© work, Past Life Therapy and Deep Soul Healing – is a totally new revolutionary holistic healing modality designed to not just create a surface change but to completely and magically transform the condition of a person’s soul, as a consequence, their entire life.

During the Hypnotique Protocol® Specialist Soul Retrieval© 9- session program you can:

  • Address deep soul wounds, soul scars and soul skins that keep you stuck in disempowering repetitive patterns
  • Experience true and lasting liberation from past traumas
  • Create not just surface change, but finally address and clear the causative factor of an issue
  • Free yourself from deep and painful unresolved problems that you have not been able to clear or move through
  • Create an unbreakable link with your soul, the source of true power so you can access your full potential and live your unique destiny


Hypnotherapy for the soul - hypnotique protocol

The Soul – our true individuality and a source of true power

The soul is that inner part of us that we can easily become disconnected or disengaged from and in so doing, losing touch or moving out of relationship with this vital aspect of ourselves. It is the part of us that holds all the knowledge of all of our experiences in this life and previous lives. It is also that part of us that can easily get stuck, blocked, lost, disconnected and fragmented. The soul can lose or give away its power, or vital pieces of itself as a result of life experiences that range from ordinary everyday occurrences, to traumatic, or more challenging life events.

When soul loss or fragmentation occurs, we may be constantly searching for something outside of ourselves. This searching is prompted by a feeling that something is missing, something is wrong, something is ‘off track or off course.’ It can be a feeling of being trapped, blocked, stuck or lost at a deep inner level. Sensing, feeling, intuiting or knowing at some core part of ourselves, at some deep level that something is missing we unconsciously try to fill the gap or the void with external people, possessions, food, etc.


 “What most people do not know is that our soul is instrumental in creating our true reality and experiencing true healing.
Our true reality is defined by the state of our soul. We can use positive suggestions or affirmations
but if the soul is not present or not part of the process, nothing will change at a deep and lasting level.”


Irene said…

“It was a joy to work with Leanne, she has insight and wit which make these sessions deep and light! I recommend her highly…”

Who created Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® and HypnoSuccess Soul Coaching®?

Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® and HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® systems are created by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, the world authority and internationally recognised expert on metaphysical, spiritual, shamanic, esoteric and occult aspects of hypnosis and a multi award winning vibrational medicine researcher and author. For over 50 years, Franchelle has successfully worked with thousands of clients worldwide and she knows with absolute certainty that in order for true, deep and permanent healing to occur, it is imperative, in fact vital that we work at the level of the human soul and the human spirit.

Franchelle is the founder of Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® – the global leader and training provider for esoteric and spiritual hypnosis, shamanic healing hypnotherapy and deep soul work. Through the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® programs Franchelle opens the doorway to the legendary 12,000 year old healing, shamanic and esoteric hypnosis secrets of ancient Egypt to enable you to experience true healing and radical deep lasting and positive change and transformation.

Hypnotherapy for the soul - Hypnotique protocol esoteric hypnosis created by Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber

Leanne has been privileged to undertake her hypnotherapy, coaching and esoteric training with Franchelle directly.

I look forward to hearing from you…

Our souls have been waiting for this time, the Aquarian Age, for this ancient healing from the sacred temples of Egypt to be available once again.

Get in touch


Kawaha Point, 
New Zealand 




Contact Leanne...

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